Page 11 - 2020 英文版 名廠巡禮
P. 11

market of Western European, due to the economic downturn in the European Union and the poor performance of
                  the automotive industry, so that the manufacturers’ willingness to reinvest were relatively weak. In a bad economy
                  situation, the procurement and purchase order may be focus on the products, for example, multi-axis, composite
                  processing machines, five-axis machining centers, automation equipment and intelligent machinery.

                  In addition, it seemed that we have not seen the buyers coming from Eastern Europe and South America, and the
                  amount of buyers from Mainland China, India, Russia, Turkey and other countries were also fewer than expected.
                  Since the global demand for machine tools had not significantly rebounded, and the currency exchange rates of
                  major countries had often risen and fallen, this year Taiwan machine tool manufacturers shall face more many
                  challenges in the competition of global market.

                  The general consultant of Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry, Mr. Zheng-Qing Wang pointed out that
                  the conditions for competition in the machine tool market include quality, price, automation, compounding and
                  intelligent machines, etc. The era of mass production of general purpose machines in Taiwan has passed, and
                  the era with customization, automation, and intelligence has been coming. The machine tool manufacturers must
                  satisfy customers to meet the needs of clients as the prerequisite, it is able to have the opportunity and ability
                  to participate in the competition. He emphasized that the Taiwan machine tool industry must continue to reduce
                  costs, and strengthen the ability of research and development of five-axis processing machines, composite
                  processing machines, automation, intelligence, software applications, management strategy of sales and service,
                  to strengthen talent education training, and to conduct more many business of global marketing. Only when we
                  can find our niche for continue business by this way, and then we can survive to pass the cold weather in winter
                  and welcome the arrival of next spring.

                    Taiwan exhibitors “ HIWIN Technologies Group” which has demonstrated the core products of “precision
                    transmission components” being interested by lots of people, and it was quite one eye-catching in EMO
                    Hannover 2019 Exhibition.  (Photo By Fu-An Chuang)

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